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Versatile Presenter

Adapt your style to different presentation wishes

One delivery style is not going to work for every presentation scenario. A presentation style that is effective at helping an audience understand a lot of information may struggle to inspire them to change their thinking. A presentation style that clarifies actions your audience should take may struggle to instil confidence that they can execute them.

This is the introductory session for how to adapt your presentation style to different situations.

We each have different strengths as communicators. The content we share varies. Also, the response we need from the audience in different situations can differ significantly. We need to be true to who we are as a presenter, but we need to add the ability to adapt our style of presentation to the situation in hand.

Presenter Styles

Inspire Change

Adapt your style to motivate a new perspective

Get insights into how to flex your presentation style to scenarios where you want to shift thinking. Maybe you have a contentious recommendation. Maybe you have a critical category-changing sales pitch. Maybe you need your leadership to shift strategy. This is how to signal to an audience it is time for a new perspective.

Build Belonging

Adapt your style to grow connection and confidence

Get insights into how to flex your presentation style to scenarios where you want to build their sense of belonging to a team. Maybe they do not know you or the company well. Maybe we have come through a tough time. Maybe you know tough messages are to come. This is how to signal to an audience to identify us as a valuable part of their tribe.

Clarify Process

Adapt your style to instruct on specific actions

Get insights into how to flex your presentation style to scenarios where you need people to follow through on expectations and next steps. Maybe you need them to deploy key messages. Maybe you need them to complete a process. Maybe you need them to focus on three key choices. This is how to signal to an audience there are steps they must take.

Share Knowledge

Adapt your style to guide understanding

Get insights into how to flex your presentation style to scenarios where you need to develop greater understanding. Maybe you have a market overview to share. Maybe you have a new model to explain. Maybe you have an exciting update to the team strategy to convey. This is how to signal to an audience there is important information to be understood.

We talk differently to a child; to our partner; to our parent; to a close friend; to a stranger. We adapt naturally because we learn that each audience needs us to communicate differently, especially if we need them to respond in the way we wish.


We must also learn the same lesson in our work - to adapt how we present to different audiences in different scenarios.  We must do this because it is expected of us, especially as our career progresses, and we must do it to have the best chance of our audience responding in way we need of them to.

How do we adapt? We argue we wish for four primary responses: change, belonging, order and knowledge. We introduce 12 archetypes. Each is within you, each delivers a different style of presentation and each encourages a different audience response.

Core skills consulting

Agility and adaptability has been a key learning need trend in recent years, and this is likely to continue.  For some clients we work to integrate our models and principles in being an atypical presenter - that is an adaptable presenter - into their internal presentation skills courses.

In-depth coaching

Our Versatile Presenter content is often a central tool in our coaching for senior leaders and when guiding teams through preparing for key presentation events.


As senior leaders go through their careers they find they increasingly need to stretch into different styles of delivery.  This can be as they start presenting to the board, or start presenting to a large organization, or externally.


A team presenting at a major deployment event need to work out the role they each play.  One may be there to inspire everyone behind a new vision, whereas the next speaker needs to help the audience understand the detailed thinking behind the plans.


Through intensive coaching we can help fast-track people, whether individually or as a team, into building their skills to adapt.

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